Saturday, April 11, 2009


Having taken yesterday as a rest day, typically it was glorious weather. We got loads done in the garden but it would have been ideal for a bike ride!

So, today, I thought I would get in an hour's bike ride with a few hills, and a gym session. Stupidly I did the gym first and now it's raining... maybe later it will clear up!

5 mins rower WU
triceps: 15kg 4x6, 10kg 2x12 (15kg too hard to do >6)
biceps: 15kg 4x12
lat pulldown: 30kg 3x12
shoulder bridge 2x10
shoulder bridge with ball 2x10
clam 2x10 each side
leg lift 2x10 each side
abs: 3x25 upper, 2x10 lower

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