Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Single Tank Stairway

Decided not to risk irritating my eye by swimming today, so went to the gym. I did a decent strength circuit on Sunday so today I did two 12-minute interval profiles on the stepper (c.500m total climb), then some very quick weights (biceps, triceps) and core (crunches, pressups). Stepping was hard work, probably because I haven't done it for so long, but I made sure to keep the technique right - not supporting myself on my arms or do any of the bizarre contortions my neighbour was doing (almost a pike position at one point) means that only my legs suffered. I've been noticing my pressups are getting better too - I'm up to 3 x 10 and feeling strong. Still on the half version (knees) but definitely improving.

While in the gym I watched both the TV weather and the brightening sunshine outside. I'm aiming to run tomorrow, and typically the forecast is torrential rain...

Photo: Single Tank Stairway by Ed Siasoco (aka SC Fiasco), on Flickr

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