Sunday, May 31, 2009


Not quite a brick, but two workouts for the day, if not in one go.

First up, 100 km on the bike - out to meet Rosie (via a drop-off at Trudie and Tim's!), on to Shipdham to scoop up Trish and Rob, then Larling, Old Buck, and home. More stops than last week (ice cream at Old Buck, yay :) but some good stretches in between, often with me and Rob out front. A great little straight near Watton prison allowed a nice sprint, and in general it was a pretty good ride out as far as East Harling - I reckon the wind was behind us, as it certainly wasn't as we headed back home. Average speed dropped noticeably all the way to Potash Lane, where I said goodbye to the others, and trundled home from there. Consumption: one energy bar, two slices fruit soda bread with peanut butter, 2/3 apple flapjack, one bottle orange juice/water, one bottle water, and a Ben & Jerry's 'Wich.

After a 2h30 break for lunch and sitting around (bad idea), I went over to Lizzie's for a run. Tried to run carrying a bag with stuff I had to take over there, but that wasn't working. Between that and rutted ground (I went via the marshes, the long way as the cows were hanging out by the gate on the short way, looking menacing) and no doubt tired legs, it wasn't working, so I walked over there. We then proceeded to crank out over 10 miles at ~10:30 pace (another watch mishap so I don't know exactly), which given that some of that was ploughing through waist high barley and calf high wheat, and we had a few little walk breaks, is not bad. It was tough going, ut a lot easier than it would have been without support! Consumption: ~300ml water and one Go Gel.

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